Monday, January 9, 2017


A gift that I would like to receive is a marble wildflower phone case. I would want a new case because my phone case is very plain and I would like to change it up. I really wanted the marble one which is basically just a slab or marble! There are these streaks of grey in it that just makes it so pretty! But instead I got a pink mable one That is a gift that I would like to receive.

Friday, January 6, 2017

What I am thankful for

I am currently sitting on my bed writing this blog post. I am thinking about everything I am thankful for and it is bringing a smile to my face. Here are ten things that I am grateful for.

1. The first thing that I am thankful for is my health.

2. I am very thankful for my friends always knowing how to put a smile on my face.

3. I am also thankful for my family for always showing unconditional love and always supporting me.

4. I am also thankful for having enough money to eat three meals a day.

5. I am also very thankful for my siblings because I can always talk to them about anything.

6. I am thankful for all of my teachers having patients while teaching me.

7. I am also very thankful for my mom always giving me a shoulder to lean on when I am down.

8. Whenever I listen to music its always puts me in a happy mood so I am also thankful for music.

9. I am thankful for volleyball always helping me get my anger out when I spike the ball and for being my favorite sport.

10. I am also  thankful for the roof over my head (my house).

All about my name!

As you all know my name is Nikoleta. I was named after saint nick. I was named after saint nick because in my religion I was born on the day that we celebrate him so my parents decided to give me a name after him. My name in Greek stands for victory or winner of the people. That is a little bit of information on my name. 

Career in D67

The career I would have in district 67 is a 1st grade teacher. This would be my career in district 67 because I love little kids and I have a lot of patience with little kids. Little kids are very funny because most of the time they don't really know what they are saying. I have a lot of patience because I am the oldest sibling plus I have a seven year old brother. Those are some reasons for why I would be a 1st grade teacher in district 67.