I choose this quote because it relates to how I feel about music. When ever I feel down, happy or sad I can always turn on my favorite songs and instantly I feel way better and happier. That is why I choose this quote.
The three goals I would have if I was president are basic human rights, more jobs and making sure that everybody gets the opportunity to go to school. First I say basic human rights because with everything going on in the news now with president trump and all the riots I wouldn't want that and everybody deserves to be equal. Next I would say having more jobs. I say this because I would want to make it easy for everybody to get a job so no one would have to live in the streets. And lastly I would make sure there is an opportunity for everyone to go to school because when they are older they have a better chance of getting a good job and everybody should have the right to got to school. That would be my major three goals if I was president.