Monday, March 13, 2017

My Favorite Field Trip

I love going on field trips. They always lead to great adventures with your class mates. My all time favorite field trip is when we went to Springfield  Illinois in 7th grade. I remember that day like it was yesterday. All the students that were taking that trip had to be in the school around 5 am. When we got to school we loaded onto the buses and took our seats. Some students had brought movies so we put in the movie and started to watch it. It was so cool watching the sun come up early in the morning. After driving for about 6 hours we finally stopped at a museum. In the museum you could go into a house that was a replica of the White house and inside they had wax figures of Abraham Lincolns family and scenes of them in different rooms. My favorite part about the museum is when you walked in they had posters and facts about Abraham Lincoln and his family. After the we got back on the bus and drove to Abraham Lincolns real house from when he lived in Illinois. There were so many artifacts like the stair well and the carpet. My favorite part about his house was seeing Abraham Lincolns bedroom because they still have the bed that he slept in . After that we went to the Springfield town hall. The main part I remember is that you had to climb a LOT of stairs. Lastly we visited Abraham Lincolns grave and he had some of his family members tomb stones around him. This is my favorite trip because I love learning about history and Abraham Lincoln was a big part of it!

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