Sunday, March 19, 2017

Magical Meeting

Three famous people that I would spend the after noon with are Blake Livley, Logan Learman and Nina Dobrev. We would meet in Starbucks. The reason I choose the Starbucks is  because it is a quiet place were we could all sit and talk to each other while sipping on coffee. One thing I love about Blake Lively is her sense of style. Something I would talk about with Blake Livley is what fashion recommendations she has and if she will be staring in any new movies or shows. Something I would talk about with Logan Learman is that the Lightning Thief is my favorite movie and he plays the role of Percy Jackson perfectly. Lastly I would talk to Nina Dobrev about what were her favorite scenes to film in vampire diaries are and if she like Stefan or Damon Salvatore more. There is a one in a million chance that I would meet someone famous but if I got to pick it would be these three famous people.


  1. Hi Nikoleta! Interesting choices for your three people. I actually knew who Blake Lively was, but I'm very happy you explained the other two because I had no idea who either of them were! I hope all is well with you, and your family as well. Take care!
    -Mr. Step-

  2. I would love to talk to Blake Lively about her fashion as well! I love everything she wears!

  3. Blake Lively seems like a down to earth person. It would be interesting to talk to her. The Lightning Thief is a good series though I don't think I would really want the gods or their monsters roaming around the world.
